
Used for displaying records in a grid like a spreadsheet.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cmdsGridView from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cmds/grid-view';


GridView"> GridView

npm package

Used for displaying records in a grid like a spreadsheet.


Getting started

npm install @cmds/grid-view --save

Prop Types

Property Type Required? Description
id String Unique id for the instance of this view
rowCount Number The amount of rows to be rendered
rowGetter Function Return row data for the index ({index: number})
fieldRenderer Function Callback invoked whenever one of the cells get's rendered: ({index: number}): jsx
fields Array Array of fields to be displayed as columns


Property Type Required? Description
id String Unique id for the field
name String Name to be displayed as column name

More information

This component is designed and developed as part of Cosmos Design System.