
Used for displaying a record as a list item.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cmdsRecordListItem from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cmds/record-list-item';



npm package

Used for displaying a record as a list item.

Getting started

npm install @cmds/record-list-item --save

Prop Types

Property Type Required? Description
recordId String Unique id for the instance of this record
primaryFieldId String Used for rendering the value of the primary field as record name
fields Array A list of fields
visibleFieldOrder Array A list of ids for the fields that need to be displayed and in which order
fieldRenderer Function Responsible for rendering a field given it's configuration: ({recordId: string, index: number, field: object}): jsx Learn more
onClick Function Triggers when the user clicks the record list item: ({id: string, e: ClickEvent})


Responsible for rendering a field given it's configuration.

import SingleLineTextField from '@cmds/single-line-text-field'
// import all other fields that need to be supported...

const renderers = {
    singleLineText: ({props}) => (
            text={'Luke Skywalker'}
            onChange={({id, text}) => {
                // store new value
    // and all other fields that need to be supported

function fieldRenderer({recordId, index, field, props}) {

    const renderer = renderers[field.typeId]
    if (!renderer) {
        throw new Error(`Renderer for typeId '${field.typeId}' not found`)
     * Note — props already contains properties
     * related to the context in which the field
     * gets rendered.
     * {
     *      id: 'fld1', // the field's id
     *      contextId: 'recordListItem',
     *      roleId: 'readOnly'
     * }
    return renderer({ 

More information

This component is designed and developed as part of Cosmos Design System.