Card for CMMD applications.
How to install
yarn add @cmmd-web/card
import '@cmmd-web/card/cmmd-card.js';
Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet wedge mustafar kessel luke yoda utapau darth hutt organa mace.
Grievous organa mace hoth amidala antilles. Solo watto watto darth twi'lek darth cade obi-wan.
Darth gonk jar kenobi antilles boba cade. Jango fett twi'lek mandalore moff coruscant. Hutt
vader ventress coruscant padmé mon binks fisto. Hutt luke moff darth lando. Anakin wedge
tatooine skywalker wookiee. Palpatine wookiee wedge solo anakin luke organa antilles. Bothan
fett darth wedge darth mon skywalker qui-gonn.
All content inside the cmmd-card component will be rendered inside the card.