
To be analytic provider agnostic while mirroring itself into the React ecosystem. Since Segment is also trying to do the same thing, their API makes sense as a good base.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cmpsrAnalytics from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cmpsr/analytics';




To be analytic provider agnostic while mirroring itself into the React ecosystem. Since Segment is also trying to do the same thing, their API makes sense as a good base.

How it works

React app is wrapped in <AnalyticsProvider> which passes context down with functions to track user activities. When these functions are called, it will loop through all valid analytics providers and call their equivalent api.


identify: Let the provider know who the logged in user is group: If there are multiple portals, this helps separate them. This is advanced. page: Track a new page, can be added to Next's router track: Track an even such as a button click user: Returns the auto assigned id reset: Clear the identity

More information can be found on Segment

Supported Providers

  • GA
  • Segment



To compile this library please run yarn run libbuild

Add Provider

Wrap the root of your React app in <AnalyticsProvider><YOUR APP /></AnalyticsProvider>.

Here are the props you can pass in to enable these providers.

export interface IAnalyticsProvider {
  segment?: ISegmentConfig;
  ga?: IGAConfig;

Use Function

const { track } from 'useAnalytics';
track('Hello World');


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