CMS platform for Vue.js
You build components in Vue or plain Html using our online editor. Create new routes on the fly and manage how your components appearing in the screen dynamically.
Visit the website:Note: There is an online chat support ready to help you with any question
Install the dependancies
npm i @cmsdriven/vue --save
Use vue components to display your content
On your parrent directory there is a file named cmsdriven.js
In this one add the components you want to use with the cmsdriven.
import ComponentOne from '@/components/ComponentOne';
import ComponentTwo from '@/components/ComponentTwo';
export default {
Dynamic Pages
Into your router.js
file include the following code
import { CmsDriven } from '@cmsdriven/vue';
const router = new Router({
mode: 'history',
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: YourCustomComponents
path: '*',
name: 'cmsdriven',
component: CmsDriven,
props: { accessToken: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN' }
Use with Prerender for best SEO Results
IF you have not installed yet. Install this package
npm i vue-meta --save
And put it to your Router file
import Meta from 'vue-meta';
Vue.use(Meta); // Use it here
const router = new Router({
Add this line to your .gitignore file
Add this to your package.json file
"scripts": {
"build": "npm run cmsdriven-prerender && vue-cli-service build",
"cmsdriven-prerender": "node node_modules/cmsdriven-vue/prerender.js YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN YOUR_ENV_NAME",
Add this to your vue.config.js on the prerender Plugin
This is going to help prerender found out all the routes that comming from cmsdriven
const cmsdriven = require('./cmsdriven-prerender.json');
let prerenderSpaPlugin = new PrerenderSpaPlugin({
staticDir: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
routes: [