
Update dom styles using html5 data-attributes on inputs, check boxes, radios and select form fields. Javascript developers still have access to API, callbacks and events. Easy configuration using data-attributes and highly styleable.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cocreateStyles from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cocreate/styles';



Update dom styles using html5 data-attributes on inputs, check boxes, radios and select form fields. Javascript developers still have access to API, callbacks and events. Easy configuration using data-attributes and highly styleable.

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CoCreate Docs

We want this library to be community-driven, and CoCreate led. We need your help to realize this goal. To help make sure we are building the right things in the right order, we ask that you create issues and pull requests or merely upvote or comment on existing issues or pull requests.

We appreciate your continued support, thank you!

Table of Contents


All updates to this library are documented in our CHANGELOG and releases. You may also subscribe to email for releases and breaking changes.


If you are interested in the future direction of this project, please take a look at our open issues and pull requests. We would love to hear your feedback.


CoCreate-styles is guided and supported by the CoCreate Developer Experience Team.

Please Email the Developer Experience Team here in case of any queries.

CoCreate-styles is maintained and funded by CoCreate. The names and logos for CoCreate are trademarks of CoCreate, LLC.

How to Contribute

We encourage contribution to our libraries (you might even score some nifty swag), please see our CONTRIBUTING guide for details.


The MIT License (MIT)