
Node helm created for javascript developers that works with helm.sh package manager for Kubernetes.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codeankerNodejsHelm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codeanker/nodejs-helm';



nodejs-helm was created for javascript developers who work with helm.sh package manager for Kubernetes. The package is a wrapper that integrates with the helm.sh process.


npm install nodejs-helm

Get Started

Setup your helm.sh file location - for linux or windows

let helmBinary = '/usr/local/bin/helm';

if (process.platform === "win32") {
    helmBinary = 'helm';

require Helm class

let Promise = require("bluebird");
const Helm = require("nodejs-helm").Helm;
let helm = Promise.promisifyAll(new Helm({helmCommand: helmBinary}));


List releases


let options = {
    allNamespaces: true, // optional
    max: 10,
    offset: 20
}; // all parameters are optional
let releases = await helm.listAsync(options);

Get a release


let options = {
    releaseName: 'myReleaseName',
    subCommand: 'all',
    namespace: 'dev' // optional
let history = await helm.getAsync(options);

Available Sub-Commands:

all         download all information for a named release
hooks       download all hooks for a named release
manifest    download the manifest for a named release
notes       download the notes for a named release
values      download the values file for a named release

Install a release


let options = {
    chartName: "sourceChartName",
    releaseName: "myReleaseName",
    namespace: "dev", // optional
    version: "latest", // optional
    values: {
        "organisation":"Sugar Labs"
    } // custom values - optional
return installation = await helm.installAsync(options);

Upgrade a release


let options = {
    reuseValues: shouldReuseValues, // boolean value (when upgrading, reuse the last release's values) - optional
    resetValues: shouldResetValues, // boolean value (when upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart) - optional
    version: "latest", // optional
    install: shouldInstall, // boolean value (if a release by this name doesn't already exist, run an install) -- optional
    chartName: "./chartFolder",
    releaseName: myReleaseName,
    namespace: 'dev', // optional
    values: {
        "organisation":"Sugar Labs"
return await helm.upgradeAsync(options);

Uninstall a release


let options = {
    releaseName: 'myReleaseName',
    namespace: 'dev' // optional
return await helm.uninstallAsync(options);

Get release history


let options = {
    releaseName: 'myReleaseName',
    namespace: 'dev' // optional
let history = await helm.historyAsync(options);

Test a release


let options = {
    releaseName: 'myReleaseName',
    namespace: 'dev' // optional
let test = await helm.testAsync(options);

Rollback a release to a previous revision


let options = {
    releaseName: 'myReleaseName',
    revision: 0 // number,
    namespace: 'dev' // optional
let rollback = await helm.rollbackAsync(options);

Get a release status


let options = {
    releaseName: 'myReleaseName',
    namespace: 'dev' // optional
let status = await helm.statusAsync(options);