
Codegen library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codebalancersCodegen from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codebalancers/codegen';



Code generation


The code generation tool required three parts

  • model.git: contains schema and models
  • codegen2.git: contains codegen application
    • yarn global add cb-codegen will install codegen globally (untested)
    • codegen generate -m path/to/models -c path/to/codegen.json will generate the code
    • codegen serve -m path/to/models start a web server with the json editor
  • the repository where the generation is configured and the generated code will be stored


During development of code generation logic, checkout the codegen2.git, apply changes there and execute e.g.:

path/to/codegen2.git/codegen_dev.sh generate \
  -m path/to/models \
  -c path/to/codegen.json

or (without recompiling everything)

path/to/codegen2.git/codegen.sh generate \ 
  -m path/to/models \
  -c path/to/codegen.json

There are two main locations in order to extend or change the code generation:

  • src/model-processor: contains the pre-processing logic to transform the original mode (that can be edited in the model editor) to specific template-matching model
  • src/templates: contains the templates and wrapping logic that created directories and files and calls the template engine

Configuration file (codegen.json)

Since the same model can be used to generate different application parts in different locations (repositories), a configuration file is needed, that provides the generation context. This file look as following:

  "wipeDirectories": [
      "enabled": true,
      "model": "account/SecurityManagement.json",
      "destination": "src/test/adapters",
      "targets": [
      "config": {}