
core dependencies and functionality for @codeblock packages

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codeblockCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codeblock/core';



Core dependencies and functionality for @codeblock.

The @codeblock/core package is the primary connection between @codeblock and prismjs.

It is the only @codeblock packages that directly depends on prismjs, while all other @codeblock packages depend on it.

It provides the main interfaces and typescript definitions, the main functions for highlighting an element and some utility functions.

You probably want to use @codeblock-react instead - you shouldn't ever need to use the core functionality directly or manually.

Prism instance

Any @codeblock modules that require access to the global Prism object should import it from @codeblock/core:

import { Prism } from '@codeblock/core';
// do something with Prism



Applies prismjs highlighting with codeblock mechanisms to an element or its children.

import { applyPrism } from '@codeblock/core';
import languages from '@codeblock/languages/lib/empty';
import themes from '@codeblock/themes/lib/empty';

applyPrism(document.getElementById('content'), {
  providers: { languages, themes }


Creates the classname for a prism language.

import { getLanguageClassName } from '@codeblock/core';
getLanguageClassName('jsx'); // 'language-jsx'
getLanguageClassName('foo'); // '
getLanguageClassName(null); // '


Creates the classname for a codeblock theme given a prism theme name.

import { getThemeClassName } from '@codeblock/core';
const className = getThemeClassName('okaidia'); // 'codeblock-theme-okaidia'
const className = getThemeClassName('foo'); // ''
const className = getThemeClassName(null); // ''


Detects all languages in the CSS class names of one or more given DOM elements and returns a LanguageElementMap ({ [lang]: elements[...] }), or an empty object if no languages are found.

If the given element

  • does not have a language class, its children will be queried and used
  • does have a language class itself, its children will be ignored
import { getLanguageMap } from '@codeblock/core';
const map = getLanguageMap(document.body);


In order to reliably support all languages, you have to use the autoloader plugin of prismjs.

The way to do this in @codeblock is to set the autoload path to a location where prismjs is available:

import { setAutoload } from '@codeblock/core/lib/http';
// unset to disable:


This constant holds the autoload path for cdn-based @codeblock modules.

  • defaults to "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.19.0/"
  • you can override it at compile-time using a PRISM_CDN_AUTOLOAD_PATH env variable

This is done under the hood by cdn-based components like @codeblock/react/cdn.

import { setAutoload, CDN_AUTOLOAD_PATH } from '@codeblock/core/lib/http';

available themes and languages

The list of available themes and languages is provided by core as well. It is generated based on the installed node_modules/prismjs/components and node_modules/prismjs/themes.

Run update-available.sh in order to update those files. Note that this will override the current files in src/available!


Core dependencies and functionality for @codeblock