
a simple react wrapper component that moves an element based on the cursor position

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codedevbradReactMovement from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codedevbrad/react_movement';


what is it?

react_movement is a simple react wrapper component that pushes its child component in the opposite direction of the cursor when hovered over.

View the demo at https://codedevbrad.github.io/svg_morph_glitch_effects/

or view the Github repo at https://github.com/codedevbrad/react-movement

to install the module :

npm install --save '@codedevbrad/react_movement'

importing the module into your react application :

import ReactMovement from '@codedevbrad/react_movement'

The component takes an optional props.

prop : elClass

[ type : String ] default : none the className of your element.

prop : distance [ type : Number ] default : 3 distance to push element from your cursor.

prop : tag [ type : String ] default : 'div' class: tag for element that wraps around what you want to be moved.

Example :

  <ReactMovement distance={ 4 } tag={ 'div' } elClass={ 'line'} />
<ReactMovement elClass={ "smooth_scroll" } distance={ 5 } tag={'div'}>
  <img src=url /> or <Component />

important :

the ReactMovement component wraps a single div around the passed props and attaches a mouseMove eventhandler to the wrapper. The eventhandler should fire when only hovering over the wrapper but in cases , it may fires for its children. I recommend that children passed as props to the ReactMovement component be a singular element. If you do require more than one element be passed as props, add the class property 'pointer events : none' or transition all 600ms to any needed child.

To achieve a smooth animation, you must add the property transition: all 600ms to the element you wish to move. I recommend passing this class to the elClass child props. the class provided should contain the following properties :

.smooth_scroll {
  transition: all 600ms;