
Generate yaml depend on repo context

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codefreshIoPipelineAutobot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codefresh-io/pipeline-autobot';


Repository analyzer


Component for analyze github repository use github statistic API and generate codefresh steps according repo info.



Examples how use repo analyzer

Run analyzer without cf integration

Run test.js with envs


Run analyzer using CLI


Example of analyzer flow


Handler types that analyzer support

  1. Transformers - ability to transform from some info to whole yaml file , use cases :

    • Check that repo contain codefresh.yaml (source github context -> output codefresh yaml path)
    • Convert from gitlab to codefresh yaml (source github context -> output codefresh yaml with steps) Important : after transformer execution if we have result we terminate whole chain (not make any sense to continue)
  2. Headers - ability to add some yaml parts before steps key use cases:

    • Add codefresh yaml stages
    • Add yaml version
  3. Steps - ability to add some step to generated pipeline, like git clone, build, notifications, etc

  4. Enricher - ability to enrich each step some additional information, like stage for each step

Adding new handler

For add new handler you should create .js in related folder (like analyzer.steps)

Each step has as input analyzer.context (you can access from it githup api, credentials, everything that you need)

module.exports = (context) => {
       const { repo: { repoOwner, repoName, branch } , git } = context.getContext();
       return {
           step : {
               type: 'git-clone',
               description: 'Cloning main repository...',
               repo: `${repoOwner}/${repoName}`,
               revision: branch,
           key: 'clone',
           group: 'clone'

key - it is step name
group - logical group, like test, linters, etc, will be helpful in future . (For now using it for stages)