
Describe, document & validate your CSS framework with the spec toolkit.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codenameSpec from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codename/spec';



Spec is a CSS Framework specification toolkit.

It can:

  • specify a CSS framework requirements
  • generate its documentation
  • validate a DOM for its spec and guidelines conformance

Getting started

# install the spec `cli`:
npm install -g @codename/spec

# generate documentation for a spec
spec doc examples/mini-3.0.0.spec

# generate documentation using a custom template
spec doc examples/bulma-0.7.1.spec -t examples/bulma.pug


Framework specification

Spec helps specify a CSS framework requirements and usage with the help of a .spec file that relies on the eno notation language, which is quite similar to TOML with an easier to apprehend modern syntax.

Documentation generation


Validation & conformance