
Check if all conditions or booleans are true. First parameter should be an array of booleans. Second determines what should be returned if the input is [], undefied or null. Options are false, 'false' or throw.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codewellAnd from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codewell/and';



Check if all conditions or booleans are true. First parameter should be an array of booleans. Second determines what should be returned if the input is [], undefied or null. Options are false, 'false' or throw.


npm install @codewell/and

Basic usage

import and from '@codewell/and';

and([true, true, true]) // => true
and([true, true, false]) // => false
and([]) // => true

and([], 'false') // => false
and([], false) // => false
and([], 'throw') // => throws error

and(undefined, 'false') // => false
and(undefined, false) // => false
and(undefined, 'throw') // => throws error

and(null, 'false') // => false
and(null, false) // => false
and(null, 'throw') // => throws error