
A standard ESLint configuration for all CYF examples/projects.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codeyourfutureEslintConfigStandard from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codeyourfuture/eslint-config-standard';


CYF ESLint Configuration

License Build Status NPM Version

A standard ESLint configuration for all CYF examples/projects.


This configuration uses SemVer, interpreted as follows:

  • Patch release (x.y.z -> x.y.z+1): bugfixes and tooling updates mean that code that previously passed linting should continue to pass after the update.

  • Minor release (x.y.z -> x.y+1.0): a change to an existing rule means that code that previously failed linting may now pass, or a new configuration means that code that previously passed linting should continue to pass.

  • Major release (x.y.z -> x+1.0.0): a new rule, or a change to an existing rule, means that code that previously passed linting will not pass any more.

Please bear these definitions in mind when reporting any bugs.


Install this package along with ESLint itself:

npm install --save-dev eslint @codeyourfuture/eslint-config-standard

Then create an ESLint config file and add this config to the "extends" section:

  "extends": ["@codeyourfuture/standard"]

Alternatively, for a slightly more permissive set of rules, you can extend @codeyourfuture/eslint-config-standard/lax.


  1. Errors only - don't train students to ignore any output, all rules should either be "error" or "off"
  2. Maximise consistency - where there are options (e.g. braces for single-line statements, parentheses around arrow function parameters), be consistent with the non-optional cases
  3. Minimise change set size - keep commits small so students can focus on the important changes


This config starts from eslint:recommended then adds the following rules:

Configuration Rule Setting Principles/rationale
standard, lax arrow-parens 2, 3
standard, lax brace-style "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": false }
standard, lax comma-dangle "always-multiline" 3
standard, lax curly 2
standard indent "tab" Tabs are more accessible
standard linebreak-style "unix"
standard, lax no-trailing-spaces
standard, lax no-unused-vars { "ignoreRestSiblings": true }
standard, lax no-var Stick with let and const for more predictable behaviour
standard, lax object-curly-spacing "always"
standard, lax operator-linebreak "before"
standard, lax quotes "double", { "avoidEscape": true, "allowTemplateLiterals": false } More likely to need ' inside a string than "
standard, lax semi Students shouldn't have to memorise the ASI rules


You can clone this repo and run npm install to install the development dependencies. Two scripts are provided:

  • lint: uses the version of ESLint installed as a dev dependency to lint index.js against its own rules.

  • test:examples: runs bin/examples.sh to test the configuration against the pass.js and fail.js examples in examples/. pass.js contains code that should pass linting according to the configuration, fail.js contains code that should fail linting.

  • test:install: runs bin/test.sh to create a package, installs ESLint (version defined by the required environment variable ESLINT_VERSION) and the current version of this configuration, then checks that there are no version conflicts and lints index.js. E.g. ESLINT_VERSION=6 npm run test will test that this configuration works with the latest version of ESLint 6.