
'CoffeeConf' is a modern configuration system written in CoffeeScript that also supports JS. Only compatible with Node.js, uses ES6 syntax.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codicCoffeeconf from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codic/coffeeconf';



CoffeeConf is a pleasant library for CoffeeScript and JavaScript running on Node.js. It provides tools for configuration. Note that here I use the JavaScript syntax.


Feel free to make merge requests, issues, whatever your heart pleases! Note; don't edit package.json. package.yaml is autocompiled to package.json, so please use that (I like YAML too much, don't I? 😩).

CoffeeConf - class

Note; instead of using the new keyword to use the constructor, you can do CoffeeConf.access(arg);. This throws an error if the database doesn't exist; useful for checking if it does (with the try..catch construct). Also, use path.join() to join paths; works 100%. Note you gotta require path first. JS: const path = require('path');. CoffeeScript: path = require 'path'

mkcfg('cfgname', 'content', {as_json: false, as_yaml: false, prepend_newline: false, append_newline: false})

Creates a new config file cfgname with content content. The content defaults to an empty string. If file exists, it is overwritten Options in the options object literal are self explanatory.


This creates a nested directory nesteddirname inside your database.

readcfg('filename', {as_json: false, as_yaml: false, prepend_newline: false, append_newline: false})

Reads a config file filename. Options in the options object literal are self explanatory.


Removes the configuration file filename in your database.


Simply removes the whole database that this is called on.


Removes a nested directory nesteddirname inside your database.

writecfg('cfgname', 'content', {as_json: false, as_yaml: false, prepend_newline: true, append_newline: false})

Creates a new config file cfgname with content content. The content defaults to an empty string. If file already exists, it is appended to. Please use mkcfg to make new files.

Options in the options object literal are self explanatory.


Returns a boolean (true/false) based on if the file filename exists in your database or not.