
Element for highlighting code

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codinMwcGrid from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codin/mwc-grid';



Simple component that implements Material Design grid

    <mwc-grid-cell desktop="6">
        <p>some content</p>
    <mwc-grid-cell desktop="6">
            <mwc-grid-cell span="8">
                <p>some other content</p>



Property Description Value
align alignment of container left, right


This element is append before content slot of grid

To nest layout grid, add mwc-grid-inner to wrap around nested mwc-grid-cell within an existing mwc-grid-cell. However, the Material Design guidelines do not recommend having a deeply nested grid as it might mean an over complicated UX.


Property Description Value
span grid span 1-12 (default: 12)
mobile grid span @mobile 1-4
tablet grid span @tablet 1-8
desktop grid span @desktop 1-12
order order of cell number
align alignment of cell top, middle, bottom

see material.io