
Codotype React.js Components

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codotypeUi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codotype/ui';



:desktop_computer: Codotype UI components - built with React + Typescript

Getting Started

Run the following commands to install dependencies and start developing

yarn install
yarn storybook


  • yarn dev - run webpack in watch mode
  • yarn storybook - runs the Storybook server
  • yarn build - builds the NPM package
  • yarn test -u - runs Jest + updates test snapshots
  • yarn lint - runs EsLint
  • yarn prettify - runs Prettier


  • Includes ESLint configured to work with TypeScript and Prettier.

  • Includes tests with Jest - note that the babel.config.js and associated dependencies are only necessary for Jest to work with TypeScript.

  • Recommended to use Visual Studio Code with the Format on Save setting turned on.

  • Includes Storybook configured to work with React + TypeScript. Note that it maintains its own webpack.config.js and tsconfig.json files. See example story in src/**/__tests__/*.stories.tsx

Built with

Misc. References