
Simply and quickly generate all your favicons using the amazing favicons npm package.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import coffeekrakenFavicons from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@coffeekraken/favicons';


Coffeekraken favicons

npm npm npm

Simply and quickly generate all your favicons using the amazing favicons npm package.

Table of content

  1. Install
  2. Get Started
  3. CLI Options
  4. Coffeekraken


npm install @coffeekraken/favicons --save-dev

Get Started

Use the CLI as follow:

coffeekraken-favicons --source src/img/favicon.png --output public/dist/favicons --html-output public/dist/favicons/favicons.html --path '/public/dist/favicons' --theme '#fff' --background '#fff'

CLI Options

Here's all the CLI options available:


Source file for favicon

  • default : src/img/favicon.png


Output folder for generated images paths

  • default : dist/favicons


File path in which to output the icons HTML

  • default : null


Theme color for browser chrome

  • default : #fff


Background color for flattened icons

  • default : #fff


Path for overriding default icons path

  • default : dist/favicons


We are a young collective of front-end creative developers with one goal in mind. Build tools to make every team working day life better. This is our first and only concern. All our tools are build around that purpose. All what we provide are some cool tools that you can use the way you want. These tools features cover a large scope of the front-end workflow (styleguide generation, colors/fonts management, etc...). You can use only the parts that you need and let the rest aside...
