
Cogito library for web app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cogitojsCogito from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cogitojs/cogito';



@cogitojs/cogito is a high level convenience components that provides a more declarative way of working with cogito-web3, telepath, and Ethereum contracts.

Cogito currently uses Telepath with a fixed queueing service URL https://telepath.cogito.mobi.


Add @cogitojs/cogito as a dependency

$ yarn add `@cogitojs/cogito`

@cogitojs/cogito aims at making working with cogito-web3, telepath, and Ethereum contracts easier. Using @cogitojs/cogito you do not have know all the details about web3 providers, cogito-web3, and telepath in order to setup a working cogito ecosystem.

Before we learn how to use Cogito, we need first make sure we have a good understanding how Cogito looks the Ethereum contracts.

Working with Contracts

Developers working with Ethereum contract often use a convenience package truffle-contract. To get an instance of a contract you first import truffle-contract. What you will get from importing truffle-contract is a function that takes a contract definition as an argument and returns a proxy object that you can use to interact with your contract. Before you can do that, however, you still need to set the provider on the returned proxy object:

import Web3 from 'web3'
import initContract from 'truffle-contract'
import simpleStorage from 'contracts/SimpleStorage.json'

const providerUrl = 'http://localhost:9545' // example for the local development
const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(providerUrl)
const web3 = new Web3(provider)
const contract = initContract(simpleStorage)
// or if you got web3 already initialized

To get the actual instance of the contract, you can either request the deployed version that will return an instance of the contract deployed at the default address managed by the contract itself, or a raw version for which you can request an instance of the contract at a specific address. The deployed contracts are often used as a facade that represents a fixed entry point to some more complex functionality. When you call methods of the deployed contracts, they often emit events carrying addresses of other contract instances created as a result of the method invocation. In order to get a grip on those contract instances, you need to be able to call the at method of the contract proxy object.

The raw representation is therefore more versatile, because you can either request a deployed version by calling deployed() method on the proxy object, or you can call at(address) to get an instance at a given address.

Cogito allows you to choose which contracts you would like to have returned as deployed contracts and which ones as raw contracts. Here is an example:

import dataStore from 'contracts/DataStore.json'
import dataRequest from 'contracts/DataRequest.json'
import dataResponse from 'contracts/DataResponse.json'

const contractsInfo = {
  deployedContractsInfo: [
    { contractName: 'dataStore', contractDefinition: dataStore }
  rawContractsInfo: [
    { contractName: 'dataRequest', contractDefinition: dataRequest },
    { contractName: 'dataResponse', contractDefinition: dataResponse }

In the example above, we see that dataStore is requested to be a deployed version, while dataRequest and dataResponse are specified to be returned as raw instances.

Creating an instance of Cogito

@cogitojs/cogito provides one top-level abstraction: the Cogito class. The constructor of the Cogito class takes the description of the contracts as an input. Following on the example we show in the previous section:

const cogito = new Cogito(contractsInfo)

Now, in order to retrieve a properly set web3 object that uses a Cogito Provider over a new Telepath channel, we call:

const {web3, channel, contracts} = await cogito.update({ appName: 'Demo App' })

web3 is an instance of web3 with a Cogito Provider over a new Telepath channel and contracts is an object holding the references to either deployed contracts or the raw proxies:

contracts.dataStore    // deployed
contracts.dataRequest  // raw
contracts.dataResponse // raw

The deployed version is the ready to use deployed contract. For the raw versions you can either request a deployed version by calling e.g. contracts.dataRequest.deployed() or a version at the specific address by calling e.g. contracts.dataRequest.at(address).

The returned channel object is an instance of a JsonRpcChannel that is returned by the createChannel method of the instance of Telepath. It provides the channel id as channel.id, the channel key as channel.key, allows to send a JSON-RPC request using send(request), and provides a convenience method to get the telepath connection url via channel.createConnectUrl(). This connection url can be use to generate the QR-Code to be scanned by the Cogito app in order to establish a secure connection with the JavaScript client. To learn more about Telepath, connection URLs, and QR-Codes, please refer to the documentation of the telepath-js package.

Finally, if you would like to use a previously created Telepath channel with given id and key, you can do the following:

const {web3, channel, contracts} = await cogito.update({
  channelId: id,
  channelKey: key,
  appName: 'Demo App'

This will reuse an existing Telepath channel.