
Layout components from Cohub

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cohubincBlueprint from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cohubinc/blueprint';



Blueprint is a small set of typed React components for quickly laying out groups of elements.


npm install @cohubinc/blueprint

yarn add @cohubinc/blueprint



Use Stack to vertically position elements.

<Stack space={2}>


children: ReactNode[] | ReactNode;
space?: number;
alignment?: "center" | "left" | "right";
fullWidth?: boolean;
childrenWidth?: CSSProperties["width"];
style?: CSSProperties;
Prop Description Required Default
children any valid ReactNode or array of ReactNodes true N/A
space rem based bottom margin applied to all child elements false 1
alignment horizontal alignment of the entire <Stack> false "left"
fullWidth causes <Stack> to take 100% of the available horizontal space false false
childrenWidth set the width of any children inside of <Stack> to any valid width value according to React's CSSProperties type false null
style any additional style properties needed for Stack false null


Use Inline to horizontally position elements.

<Inline space={2}>


children: ReactNode[] | ReactNode;
space?: number;
alignment?: "center" | "left" | "right";
itemAlignment?: "start" | "end" | "center" | "baseline" | "stretch";
style?: CSSProperties;
Prop Description Required Default
children any valid ReactNode or array of ReactNodes true N/A
space rem based right or left margin (depending on what's specified for the alignment prop) false 1
alignment horizontal alignment of the entire <Inline> false "left"
itemAlignment used to vertically align children of <Inline> false "left"
style any additional style properties needed for Stack false null


Use Spread to spread elements out either horizontally or vertically. Think of Spread as a normal CSS flexbox.


children: ReactElement<any> | ReactElement<any>[];
direction?: "horizontal" | "vertical";
spread?: "between" | "around" | "evenly" | "start" | "end" | "center";
itemAlignment?: "start" | "end" | "center" | "baseline" | "stretch";
flexChild?: boolean;
style?: CSSProperties;
Prop Description Required Default
children any valid ReactElement or array of ReactElements true N/A
direction the orientation of the <Spread> false "horizontal"
spread flexbox spacing rule AKA justify-content false "between"
itemAlignment used to vertically align children of <Spread> false "start"
flexChild used for vertical Spreads to allow children to take up all vertical height false true
style any additional style properties needed for Stack false null


Use Space to insert whitespace between elements.


height?: CSSProperties["height"];
width?: CSSProperties["width"];
unit?: | "cm" | "mm" | "in" | "px" | "pt" | "pc" | "em" | "rem" | "ex" | "ch" | "vw" | "vh" | "vmin" | "vmax" | "%";
Prop Description Required Default
height the height of the <Space> false "inherit"
width the width of the <Space> false "inherit"
unit the unit value for height and width false "rem"
reveal show the space by setting its background color to black (really only useful during development) false false