
#### add expand / collapse text in the end of the text or show promot when hover content

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import colinxu91Readmore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@colinxu91/readmore';




readmore,expand text,add expand / collapse text in the end of the text if the text is too long. tip, show the promot when hove over the content

How to use it

  1. npm i @colinxu91/readmore

  2. import module and install in Vue,reference to examples/main.js

import readmore from '../packages/index';
  1. properties

3.1 readmore

property coment
text whole text
moreText promot text for expand when whole text is too long
lessText promot text for collapse when whole text is too long
hideType collapse rule,according to character length - CHAR,according to words - WORD,according to lines - LINE
maxLength max length to display in collapse mode
isImage The less / more text is image path

3.2 tip | property | coment | |-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | content | whole text | | tip | the text when hove over contnent |

You can use slot to create your own content and tip template

  1. example

4.1 readmore

  :text="'This is Text Example, you can replace it as any text as you want, and as long as you want.'"
.readmore-example {
  width: 100px;
  :text="'This is Text Example, you can replace it as any text as you want, and as long as you want.'"
.readmore-example {
  width: 100px;

4.2 tip

<tip class="tip" 
  :content="'This is Text Example, you can replace it as any text as you want, and as long as you want.'"
  :tip="'This is Text Example, you can replace it as any text as you want, and as long as you want.'"></tip>
    <template v-slot:content>
      <div>Content Slot Test</div>
    <template v-slot:tip>
      <div>Tip Slot Test</div>