Colony Starter: Basic
This is a simple starter project that demonstrates how to use colonyJS (a JavaScript client for colonyNetwork). This project is set up to start a local test network using Ganache and then deploy the colonyNetwork contracts to the local test network using Truffle. This project also uses TrufflePig to find and read the deployed contracts during local development.
This project includes example scripts also found in the Local Setup and Task Lifecycle pages of the colonyJS Docs. In order to help you hit the ground running with your new project, this starter project includes all of the examples from the docs plus some, and it gives you the opportunity to execute and test those examples with a few simple commands.
- Yarn 1.12.3
- Docker
- Node 10.12.0
You may find it helpful to use Node Version Manager (nvm
) to manage Node versions.
Start Network
Open a new terminal window and start Ganache:
yarn start-ganache
Deploy Contracts
Open a new terminal window and deploy the colonyNetwork contracts:
yarn deploy-contracts
Start TrufflePig
Open a new terminal window and start TrufflePig:
yarn start-trufflepig
Run Example Script
Open a new terminal window and run the example script:
yarn start
Run Example Tests
Open a new terminal window and run the example tests:
yarn test