Color API
Color API is a library for interacting with applications built on the Color SDK.
yarn add @colorplatform/color-api
Simple example of how to send tokens.
import Color from "@colorplatform/color-api"
const STARGATE_URL = ""
const ADDRESS = "colors1abcd1234"
const color = Color(STARGATE_URL, ADDRESS)
// create the transaction object
const msg = color
.MsgSend({toAddress: 'colors1abcd09876', amounts: [{ denom: 'CLR', amount: 10 }})
// estimate the needed gas amount
const gasEstimate = await msg.simulate()
// create a signer
const ledgerSigner = ... // async (signMessage: string) => { signature: Buffer, publicKey: Buffer }
// send the transaction
const { included }= await msg.send({ gas: gasEstimate }, ledgerSigner)
// await tx to be included in a block
await included()
If you want to query data only, you don't need to specify an address.
import { API } from "@colorplatform/color-api"
const STARGATE_URL = ""
const api = API(STARGATE_URL)
const validators = await api.validators()
Create a sign message to sign with on a Ledger or with any other signer
const { signWithPrivateKey } = require('@colorplatform/color-keys');
const { createSignMessage } = require('@colorplatform/color-api');
const stdTx = {
msg: [
type: `color/Send`,
value: {
inputs: [
address: `colors1qperwt9wrnkg5k9e5gzfgjppzpqhyav5j24d66`,
coins: [{ denom: `CLR`, amount: `1` }]
outputs: [
address: `colors1yeckxz7tapz34kjwnjxvmxzurerquhtrmxmuxt`,
coins: [{ denom: `CLR`, amount: `1` }]
fee: { amount: [{ denom: ``, amount: `0` }], gas: `21906` },
signatures: null,
memo: ``
const signMessage = createSignMessage(stdTx, { sequence, accountNumber, chainId });
const signature = signWithPrivateKey(signMessage, Buffer.from(wallet.privateKey, 'hex'));
Create and sign a transaction from a message which then is ready to be broadcast
const { signWithPrivateKey } = require('@colorplatform/color-keys');
const { createSignedTransaction } = require('@colorplatform/color-api');
const sendMsg = {
type: `color/Send`,
value: {
inputs: [
address: `colors1qperwt9wrnkg5k9e5gzfgjppzpqhyav5j24d66`,
coins: [{ denom: `CLR`, amount: `1` }]
outputs: [
address: `colors1yeckxz7tapz34kjwnjxvmxzurerquhtrmxmuxt`,
coins: [{ denom: `CLR`, amount: `1` }]
const signer = signMessage = > signWithPrivateKey(signMessage, Buffer.from(wallet.privateKey, 'hex'))
const signMessage = createSignedTransaction({ gas: 1000, gasPrices = [{ amount: "10", denom: "uatom" }], memo = `Hi from Color Platform` }, [sendMsg], signer, chainId: "test-chain", accountNumber: 0, sequence: 12);