
js version of color wallet signer and address generation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import colorplatformjsColorKeys from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@colorplatformjs/color-keys';


Color Keys

Color Keys is a library for creating keys and signing messages on Color Platform network. You can use it to generate keypairs and addresses and to sign messages for the Color Network.

This library deals with tasks that are considered security-critical and should be used very carefully.


yarn add @colorplatformjs/color-keys


Create a wallet

import { getNewWallet } from "@colorplatformjs/color-keys"

const { ColorAddress, privateKey, publicKey } = getNewWallet()
// Attention: protect the `privateKey` at all cost and never display it anywhere!!

Import a seed

import { generateWalletFromSeed } from "@colorplatformjs/color-keys"

const seed = ...24 seed words here

const { ColorAddress, privateKey, publicKey } = generateWalletFromSeed(seed)
// Attention: protect the `privateKey` at all cost and never display it anywhere!!

Sign a message

import { signWithPrivateKey } from "@colorplatformjs/color-keys"

const privateKey = Buffer.from(...)
const signMessage = ... message to sign, generate messages with "@colorplatformjs/color-api"
const signature = signWithPrivateKey(signMessage, privateKey)

Using with Color-API

import { signWithPrivateKey } from "@colorplatformjs/color-keys"
import Color from "@colorplatformjs/color-api"

const privateKey = Buffer.from(...)
const publicKey = Buffer.from(...)

// init Color sender
const Color = Color(REST_SERVER_URL, CHAIN_ID)

// create message
const msg = Color
  .MsgSend({toAddress: 'color1abcd09876', amounts: [{ denom: 'ncolor', amount: 123456789 }})

// create a signer from this local js signer library
const localSigner = (signMessage) => {
  const signature = signWithPrivateKey(signMessage, privateKey)

  return {

// send the transaction
const { included }= await msg.send({ gas: 200000 }, localSigner)

// await tx to be included in a block
await included()