
A controlled text input component for localized rich text input with validation states.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commercetoolsUikitLocalizedRichTextInput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@commercetools-uikit/localized-rich-text-input';




A controlled text input component for localized rich text input with validation states.


import LocalizedRichTextInput from '@commercetools-uikit/localized-rich-text-input';

const Input = (props) => (
      en: '',
      de: '',
    onChange={(event) => console.log('event.target.value', event.target.value)}


Props Type Required Values Default Description
id string - - - Used as prefix of HTML id property. Each input field id will have the language as a suffix (${idPrefix}.${lang}), e.g. foo.en
name string - - - Used as HTML name property for each input field. Each input field name will have the language as a suffix (${namePrefix}.${lang}), e.g. foo.en
value object - - Values to use. Keyed by language, the values are the actual values, e.g. { en: '<p>Horse</p>', de: '<p>Pferd</p>' }
autoComplete string - - - Used as HTML autocomplete property
onChange function - - Gets called when any input is changed. Is called with the change event of the changed input.
selectedLanguage string - - Specifies which language will be shown in case the LocalizedRichTextInput is collapsed.
onBlur function - - - Called when any field is blurred. Is called with the event of that field.
onFocus function - - - Called when any field is focussed. Is called with the event of that field.
defaultExpandMultilineText bool - - false Expands input components holding multiline values instead of collpasing them by default.
hideLanguageExpansionControls bool - - false Will hide the language expansion controls when set to true. All languages will be shown when set to true.
defaultExpandLanguages bool - - false Controls whether one or all languages are visible by default. Pass true to show all languages by default.
isAutofocussed bool - - false Sets the focus on the first input when true is passed.
isDisabled bool - - false Disables all input fields.
isReadOnly bool - - false Disables all input fields and shows them in read-only mode.
placeholder object - - - Placeholders for each language. Object of the same shape as value.
horizontalConstraint object - m, l, xl, scale scale Horizontal size limit of the input fields.
hasError bool - - - Will apply the error state to each input without showing any error message.
hasWarning bool - - - Will apply the warning state to each input without showing any warning message.
errors objectOf(node) - - - Used to show errors underneath the inputs of specific languages. Pass an object whose key is a language and whose value is the error to show for that key.
warnings objectOf(node) - - - Used to show warnings underneath the inputs of specific languages. Pass an object whose key is a language and whose value is the warning to show for that key.
showExpandIcon bool - - false Shows an expand icon in the toolbar
onClickExpand func - - - Called when the expand button is clicked

The component forwards all data attribute props. It further adds a -${language} suffix to the values of the data-test and data-track-component attributes, e.g data-test="foo" will get added to the input for en as data-test="foo-en".

Main Functions and use cases are:

  • Receiving localized HTML input from user

Static Properties

createLocalizedString(languages, existingTranslations)

This function creates a localized string. It merges the languages and the language keys of existing translations to form a localized string holding all languages. The existingTranslations argument is optional. If it is not passed, an empty localized field will be created.

const languages = ['en', 'de'];
// -> { en: '<p></p>', de: '<p></p>' }

In case existingTranslations is passed, it will merge an empty localized field with the existing translations. Usually this is used to ensure that a localized string contains at least the project's languages.

const languages = ['en', 'de'];
const existingTranslations = { en: '<p>Tree</p>', ar: '<p>شجرة</p>' };
LocalizedRichTextInput.createLocalizedString(languages, existingTranslations);
// -> { en: 'Tree', de: '', ar: '<p>شجرة</p>' }


Returns true when all values in a localized field are empty.

// -> true
LocalizedRichTextInput.isEmpty({ en: '', de: '<p></p>' });
// -> true
LocalizedRichTextInput.isEmpty({ en: '<p>Tree</p>', de: '<p></p>' });
// -> false


Omits translations with empty values.

LocalizedRichTextInput.omitEmptyTranslations({ en: '', de: '  ' });
// -> {}
LocalizedRichTextInput.omitEmptyTranslations({ en: '<p>Tree</p>', de: '' });
// -> { en: '<p>Tree</p>' }


Expects to be called with an object or undefined. Returns true when at least one value is truthy.


This field exports a default error message which can be used when the field is required, but the user provided no value. You can use it as

render (
  return (
      <LocalizedRichTextInput hasError={isMissing} />
        isMissing && <LocalizedRichTextInput.RequiredValueErrorMessage />