
CLI for Lightning Web Runtime

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import communitiesWebruntimeCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@communities-webruntime/cli';



$ npm install -g @communities-webruntime/cli
$ webruntime COMMAND
running command...
$ webruntime (-v|--version|version)
@communities-webruntime/cli/0.45.3 ${process.platform} ${process.version}
$ webruntime --help [COMMAND]
  $ webruntime COMMAND


webruntime run [TEMPLATEDIR]

Start the server

  $ webruntime run [TEMPLATEDIR]

  TEMPLATEDIR  [default: .] The template root directory

  --apiEndpoint=apiEndpoint              The external API endpoint to proxy API calls to. If not specified, replay mode
                                         will be used

  --apiEndpointHeader=apiEndpointHeader  An HTTP header to add to the requests proxied to the API endpoint

  --basePath=basePath                    The base path from which the web application will be served, defaults to '/'

  --indexHtml=indexHtml                  The index.html file path

  --isDesignMode                         Compile the template for usage in design mode

  --labels=labels                        The labels.json file path

  --locale=locale                        The locale to use

  --[no-]locker                          Enables Locker (default: true)

  --modes=modes                          A comma separated list of modes in which the resources will be generated,
                                         defaults to all modes (dev, prod)

  --partials=partials                    Directory where handlebar partials are stored to be used in templates

  --port=port                            [default: 3000] The server port

  --recordApiCalls                       Whether proxied API calls responses should be recorded

  --routes=routes                        The routes.json file path

  --srcDir=srcDir                        Source directory, used to compute the template version key

  --theme=theme                          The theme.json file path

  --views=views                          Where to get the view metadata from

webruntime validate [TEMPLATEDIR]

Validate the template metadata

  $ webruntime validate [TEMPLATEDIR]

  TEMPLATEDIR  [default: .] The template root directory

  --labels=labels  The labels.json file path
  --routes=routes  The routes.json file path
  --theme=theme    The theme.json file path
  --views=views    Where to get the view metadata from