
Embeddable authentication for AIESEC

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commutatusAiesecEmbeddableAuth from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@commutatus/aiesec-embeddable-auth';


AIESEC Embeddable Auth

Demo: https://embeddable-auth.netlify.com/ (Running staging environment)

Importing: If you are using it with any app having npm:

run npm install @commutatus/aiesec-embeddable-auth --save

import '@commutatus/aiesec-embeddable-auth

use css from


For all other use cases:

load script from


and css from



<div id="embeddable-auth-container"></div> 

// Javascript
const embeddableAuth = new EmbeddableAuth({
  target: document.getElementById('embeddable-auth-container'),
  props: {
        options: {
          registerButtonText: 'Get Started',
          loginButtonText: 'Login',
         defaultReferral: 'Other',
         afterLoginRedirectTo: '',
         title: 'Login/Register with AIESEC',
         showLogin: true,
         utm: {
            utm_source: 'your-utm-source-value',
            utm_medium: 'your-utm-medium-value',
            utm_campaign: 'your-utm-utm_campaign-value',
            utm_term: 'your-utm-utm_term-value',
            utm_content: 'your-utm-utm_content-value',
        customMeta: {
            yourCustomField1: yourCustomValue1,
            yourCustomField2: yourCustomValue2
         profileAttributes: // This follows the data structure explained below
        token: 'YOUR_TOKEN', // custom token for future features.
        api: 'production' // or 'staging'  MANDATORY
Option Default Value Description Type
registerButtonText Get Started Text of the register button string
loginButtonText Login Text of the login CTA button string
defaultReferral Default value for referral (If used, the referral selection won't be shown to the user) string
afterLoginRedirectTo Url to redirect to after login or signup succeeded (without root domain) Example: 'opportunity/5999' string
title Login/Register with AIESEC Heading of the app string
showLogin true Whether it should default to login screen. Signup screen if false boolean

If you are using defaultReferral, please use one of these values given below:

Friend, Colleague, Information booth on campus, Classroom presentation, AIESEC Alumni, Facebook, WeChat, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, , Other social media channel, Search Engine, Event, Telegram, Media (magazine, TV, newspaper or radio), Other

For profileAttributes, the data structure should be as follows. Note that this will not support any other field not mentioned in the structure given below.

  person_profile_attributes: { 
     earliest_start_date: "dd-mm-yyyy",
     latest_end_date: "dd-mm-yyyy",
     duration_min: 6,  // Number of weeks 
     duration_max: 78, // Number of weeks
     languages: [
     nationalities: [1034],
     selected_programmes: [1],
     skills: [
        {id: 10147}, 
        {id: 10146}

The ID's which are passed in languages, nationalities and skills can be get from constants endpoints hyperlinked here Languages Nationalities Skills

For selected_programmes, the values are

Name Value
GV 1
GT 2
GE 5