
yarn add @comparaonline/ui-card-summary

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import comparaonlineUiCardSummary from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@comparaonline/ui-card-summary';




yarn add @comparaonline/ui-card-summary


const highlightProps = {
  startColor: 'blue',
  endColor: 'red',
  image: <img src="..." alt="..." />

<CardSummary highlight={highlightProps}>
  ...some content

Component Props

name type required description
hightlightProps object false hightlight configuration
actionComponent ReactNode false component displayed as action element
callback function false callback executed when action is clicked
minWidth string false min width of the card
maxWidth string false max width of the card


name type required description
startColor string true start color of the gradient
endColor string true end color of the gradient
frameComponent ReactNode false component displayed in the circle frame