
Simple timepicker using react

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import compeonTimepicker from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@compeon/timepicker';


COMPEON Timepicker

Simple time picker component built with react and styled-components.



yarn add @compeon/timepicker

Install styled-components

yarn add styled-components


import CompeonTimepicker from '@compeon/timepicker'

class Timepicker extends React.Component {
  state = {
    value: '17:30'

  handleChange = value => this.setState({ value })

  render () {
    return (
        <CompeonTimepicker onChange={this.handleChange} value={this.state.value}>
          <input />


prop description type default example
className The class name to be applied to the outermost div of the time picker string
dialogClassName The class name to be applied to the dialog of the time picker string
from Lower time boundary for the time range to pick from. If this prop is set, to has to be set as well string "10:00"
inputClassName The class name to be applied to the child of the time picker string
minutesPerStep The amount of minutes to add or subtract when the user changes the minutes via the arrow buttons or the mouse wheel int 15
onBlur Function that is called when the time picker is closed function
onChange Function that is called when the value of the time picker changes function
onFocus Function that is called when the time picker is focussed function
to Upper time boundary for the time range to pick from. If this prop is set, from has to be set as well string "17:30"
value The value to currently display. In case the initial value is outside of the specified time range, the time picker will immediately call onChange with a value that is in range string "00:00"  "22:45"


Gerrit Seger (gseger@compeon.de)

