This function creates an RFC4122 version 4 compliant uuid. The type is string. Each uuid will have 36 characters.
npm install --save-dev @composi/uuid
To create a uuid:
const productId = uuid()
Without Hyphens
Databases and source control solutions often expect uuids without hyphens. You can create a uuid without hyphens by passing in any truthy param. When you create a uuid wihtout hyphens, it will have 32 characters instead of 36:
// Create uuids without hyphens:
const id1 = uuid(true)
const id2 = uuid(123)
const id3 = uuid('whatever')
Assign unique ids to an array of products:
products = => ( = uuid())
Use prodoct ids (uuids) as keys for dynamic list:
function List(props) {
return (
{ => <li key={}></li>)