
Compositor Kit CLI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import compositorKitCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@compositor/kit-cli';



Command line interface for Compositor Kit, including an isolated development server and project generator.

$ npm install --global @compositor/kit-cli

Development Server

Isolated development server for React components, powered by x0

  • Zero configuration
  • Hot reloading
  • No entry point or HTML required
  • Isolated from your main application
  • Renders components and elements
  • Supports MDX & JSX formats

Start the dev server by passing a directory of components as the first argument. Be sure to install any local dependencies, including react.

kit examples


-o --open     Opens development server in default browser
-p --port     Port for development server
-m --mode     Enable alternative server UI modes
--webpack     Path to custom webpack.config.js

To see available options, run:

kit --help

All command line options can be set in your package.json file with a kit field.

  "kit": {
    "port": 9000,
    "open": true


By default, the Kit dev server renders each component in isolation with minimal base styling for the document. Use the --mode flag to enable alternative modes for the development UI.

Current modes include:

  • library
  • responsive
  • xray
  • sandbox (experimental)

Library Mode

Renders components using the Kit Library component component, which displays all components together in a grid and in isolation when clicked.

kit examples --mode library


Run the init command and follow the prompts to create a new project.

kit init


kit --help

Made by Compositor | MIT License