
``` import { Add } from '@connorfm/amiltone-icons-alert'

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import connorfmAmiltoneAlertIcons from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@connorfm/amiltone-alert-icons';


This project allows to import Content Icons from Amiltone Design System


import { Add } from '@connorfm/amiltone-icons-alert'

<Add fillColor='#000' />

Mandatory props

fillColor: string;

Allows to modify icon color

For typing, the interface needed:

export interface IconProps {
  fillColor: string;

List of components

You can find the whole list of components in Icons in the storybook https://5f6df152d3a9750022e3659e-cbilavjswt.chromatic.com/