
The world's easiest, most powerful Angular dialog modal framework. It generates beautiful popups, dialogs, Confirm Boxes, Alert Boxes, Toast Notifications. Also gives the ability of opening dynamic components directly from typescript!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import costlydeveloperNgxAwesomePopup from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@costlydeveloper/ngx-awesome-popup';


Ngx Awesome Popup

The world's easiest, most powerful dialog modal framework for Angular.

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  • Extremely simple to use - try it on the DEMO!
  • Animated!
  • Without HTML selector!

Ngx Awesome Popup


Visit the DEMO for code generators, demos and documentation.


If you in any doubt, find out the good reasons to use this library on the Dev.to.



Licensed under MIT.


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