
Coveo CLI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import coveoCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@coveo/cli';



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$ npm install -g @coveo/cli
$ coveo COMMAND
running command...
$ coveo (-v|--version|version)
@coveo/cli/1.25.4 linux-x64 node-v16.14.0
$ coveo --help [COMMAND]
  $ coveo COMMAND


coveo auth:login

Log in to the Coveo Platform using the OAuth2 flow.

  $ coveo auth:login

  -e, --environment=dev|qa|hipaa|prod  [default: prod] The Coveo Platform environment to log in to.

  -o, --organization=myOrgID           The identifier of the organization to log in to. If not specified, the CLI logs
                                       you in to the first available organization. See also commands `config:get`,
                                       `config:set`, and `org:list`.

  -r, --region=US|EU|AU                [default: us] The Coveo Platform region to log in to. See

  $ coveo auth:login

See code: src/commands/auth/login.ts

coveo auth:token

Log in to the Coveo Platform using the OAuth2 flow.

  $ coveo auth:token

  -e, --environment=dev|qa|hipaa|prod  [default: prod] The Coveo Platform environment to log in to.

  -r, --region=US|EU|AU                [default: us] The Coveo Platform region to log in to. See

  -t, --token=xxx-api-key              (required) The API-Key that shall be used to authenticate you to the
                                       organization. See

  $ coveo auth:token

See code: src/commands/auth/token.ts

coveo config:get [KEY]

Display the current configuration.

  $ coveo config:get [KEY]

  KEY  The config key for which to show the value

  $ coveo config:get
  $ coveo config:get organization
  $ coveo config:get accessToken

See code: src/commands/config/get.ts

coveo config:set

Modify the current configuration.

  $ coveo config:set

  -a, --analytics=y|n                  Whether to enable analytics and telemetry tracking.
  -e, --environment=dev|qa|hipaa|prod  The Coveo Platform environment to log in to.

  -o, --organization=myOrgID           The identifier of the organization inside which to perform operations. See

  -r, --region=US|EU|AU                The Coveo Platform region to log in to. See <https://docs.coveo.com/en/2976>.

See code: src/commands/config/set.ts

coveo help [COMMAND]

display help for coveo

  $ coveo help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

coveo org:create NAME

Create a new test Coveo organization.

  $ coveo org:create NAME

  NAME  The name to assign to the new organization.

  -s, --[no-]setDefaultOrganization  Set the created organization as the default one

See code: src/commands/org/create.ts

coveo org:list

List Coveo organizations.

  $ coveo org:list

  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

See code: src/commands/org/list.ts

coveo org:resources:list

(beta) List available snapshots from an organization

  $ coveo org:resources:list

  -t, --target=destinationorganizationg7dg3gd  The unique identifier of the organization containing the snapshots. If
                                               not specified, the organization you are connected to will be used.

  -x, --extended                               show extra columns

  --columns=columns                            only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                        output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                              filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                                  hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml                       output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                                  property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

See code: src/commands/org/resources/list.ts

coveo org:resources:model:create

(beta) Create a Snapshot Pull Model

  $ coveo org:resources:model:create

See code: src/commands/org/resources/model/create.ts

coveo org:resources:monitor SNAPSHOTID

(beta) Monitor a Snapshot operation

  $ coveo org:resources:monitor SNAPSHOTID

  SNAPSHOTID  The unique identifier of the target snapshot.

  -t, --target=destinationorganizationg7dg3gd  The unique identifier of the organization containing the snapshot. If not
                                               specified, the organization you are connected to will be used.

  -w, --wait=seconds                           [default: 60] The maximum number of seconds to wait before the commands
                                               exits with a timeout error. A value of zero means that the command will
                                               wait indefinitely.

See code: src/commands/org/resources/monitor.ts

coveo org:resources:preview

(beta) Preview resource updates

  $ coveo org:resources:preview

  -d, --showMissingResources                   Preview resources deletion when enabled

  -p, --previewLevel=(light|detailed)          [default: detailed] The verbosity of the preview. The `light` preview is
                                               faster to generate but only contains a limited amount of information, as
                                               opposed to the `detailed` preview that takes more time to generate, but
                                               returns a diff representation of all the changes to apply.

  -s, --snapshotId=snapshotId                  The unique identifier of the snapshot to preview. If not specified, a new
                                               snapshot will be created from your local project. You can list available
                                               snapshots in your organization with org:resources:list

  -t, --target=destinationorganizationg7dg3gd  The unique identifier of the organization where to send the changes. If
                                               not specified, the organization you are connected to will be used.

  -w, --wait=seconds                           [default: 60] The maximum number of seconds to wait before the commands
                                               exits with a timeout error. A value of zero means that the command will
                                               wait indefinitely.

  -y, --sync                                   Apply synchronization when there is a 100% match between organization and
                                               snapshot resources.

See code: src/commands/org/resources/preview.ts

coveo org:resources:pull

(beta) Pull resources from an organization

  $ coveo org:resources:pull

  -g, --[no-]git                          Whether to create a git repository when creating a new project.

  -m, --model=path/to/snapshot.json       The path to a snapshot pull model. This flag is useful when you want to
                                          include only specific resource items in your snapshot (e.g., a subset of
                                          sources). Use the "org:resources:model:create" command to create a new
                                          Snapshot Pull Model

  -o, --overwrite                         Overwrite resources directory if it exists.

  -r, --resourceTypes=type1 type2         [default: EXTENSION,FEATURED_RESULT,FIELD,FILTER,MAPPING,ML_MODEL,ML_MODEL_ASS
                                          ON,THESAURUS,TRIGGER] The resources types to pull from the organization.

  -s, --snapshotId=snapshotId             The unique identifier of the snapshot to pull. If not specified, a new
                                          snapshot will be created. You can list available snapshot in your organization
                                          with org:resources:list

  -t, --target=targetorganizationg7dg3gd  The unique identifier of the organization from which to pull the resources. If
                                          not specified, the organization you are connected to will be used.

  -w, --wait=seconds                      [default: 60] The maximum number of seconds to wait before the commands exits
                                          with a timeout error. A value of zero means that the command will wait

See code: src/commands/org/resources/pull.ts

coveo org:resources:push

(beta) Preview, validate and deploy your changes to the destination org

  $ coveo org:resources:push

  -d, --deleteMissingResources                 Delete missing resources when enabled

  -p, --previewLevel=(light|detailed)          [default: detailed] The verbosity of the preview. The `light` preview is
                                               faster to generate but only contains a limited amount of information, as
                                               opposed to the `detailed` preview that takes more time to generate, but
                                               returns a diff representation of all the changes to apply.

  -s, --skipPreview                            Do not preview changes before applying them to the organization

  -t, --target=destinationorganizationg7dg3gd  The unique identifier of the organization where to send the changes. If
                                               not specified, the organization you are connected to will be used.

  -w, --wait=seconds                           [default: 60] The maximum number of seconds to wait before the commands
                                               exits with a timeout error. A value of zero means that the command will
                                               wait indefinitely.

  -y, --sync                                   Apply synchronization when there is a 100% match between organization and
                                               snapshot resources.

See code: src/commands/org/resources/push.ts

coveo org:search:dump

Dump the content of one or more sources in CSV format.

  $ coveo org:search:dump

  -c, --chunkSize=chunkSize                [default: 10000] The maximum number of results to dump into each CSV file.

  -d, --destination=destination            [default: .] The folder in which to create the CSV files. The data dump will
                                           fail if the folder doesn't exist.

  -f, --additionalFilter=additionalFilter  The additional search filter to apply while getting the content. See

  -n, --name=name                          [default: indexdump] The base name to use when creating a new CSV file. If
                                           more than one file is created, the CLI will append `_2`, `_3`, etc. to each
                                           new file name after the first one.

  -p, --pipeline=pipeline                  The name of the query pipeline through which to get content. If not
                                           specified, the default query pipeline is used.

  -s, --source=mySourceName                (required) The names (not the identifiers) of the sources from which to get

  -x, --fieldsToExclude=fieldsToExclude    The fields to exclude from the data dump. If not specified, all fields are

See code: src/commands/org/search/dump.ts

coveo source:push:add SOURCEID

Push a JSON document into a Coveo Push source. See https://github.com/coveo/cli/wiki/Pushing-JSON-files-with-Coveo-CLI for more information.

  $ coveo source:push:add SOURCEID

  SOURCEID  The identifier of the source on which to perform the add operation. See source:push:list to obtain the

  -c, --maxConcurrent=maxConcurrent                  [default: 10] The maximum number of requests to send concurrently.
                                                     Increasing this value increases the speed at which documents are
                                                     pushed to the Coveo platform. However, if you run into memory or
                                                     throttling issues, consider reducing this value.

  -d, --folder=./my_folder_with_multiple_json_files  One or multiple folder containing json files. Can be repeated

  -f, --file=myfile.json                             One or multiple file to push. Can be repeated.

See code: src/commands/source/push/add.ts

coveo source:push:delete SOURCEID

Delete one or multiple items in a given Push source. See https://docs.coveo.com/en/171 and https://docs.coveo.com/en/131

  $ coveo source:push:delete SOURCEID

  SOURCEID  The identifier of the Push source on which to perform the delete operation. To retrieve the list of
            available Push source identifiers, use the `source:push:list` command.

  -c, --deleteChildren
      Whether to delete all items that share the same base URI as the specified item to delete.

  -d, --deleteOlderThan=2000-01-01T00:00:00-06:00 OR 1506700606240
      If this flag is set, all items that have been added or updated in the source before the specified ISO 8601 date or
      Unix timestamp in milliseconds will be deleted. The documents will be deleted using the default queueDelay, meaning
      they will stay in the index for about 15 minutes after being marked for deletion.

  -x, --delete=delete
      The URIs of the items to delete. Can be repeated. If you want to delete more than one specific items, use the
      `source:push:batch` command instead.

See code: src/commands/source/push/delete.ts

coveo source:push:list

List all available push sources in your Coveo organization

  $ coveo source:push:list

  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

See code: src/commands/source/push/list.ts

coveo source:push:new NAME

Create a new push source in a Coveo organization

  $ coveo source:push:new NAME

  NAME  The name of the source to create.

  -v, --sourceVisibility=(PRIVATE|SECURED|SHARED)  [default: SECURED] Controls the content security option that should
                                                   be applied to the items in a source. See

See code: src/commands/source/push/new.ts

coveo ui:create:angular NAME

Create a Coveo Headless-powered search page with the Angular web framework. See https://docs.coveo.com/headless and https://angular.io/.

  $ coveo ui:create:angular NAME

  NAME  The name of the application to create.

  -d, --defaults         Whether to automatically select the default value for all prompts that have a default value.
  -v, --version=version  [default: 1.25.3] The version of @coveo/angular to use.

See code: src/commands/ui/create/angular.ts

coveo ui:create:atomic NAME

Create a Coveo Headless-powered search page with Coveo's own Atomic framework. See https://docs.coveo.com/atomic and https://docs.coveo.com/headless.

  $ coveo ui:create:atomic NAME

  NAME  The name of the application to create.

  -v, --version=version  [default: 1.25.3] The version of @coveo/create-atomic to use.

  $ coveo ui:create:atomic myapp

See code: src/commands/ui/create/atomic.ts

coveo ui:create:react NAME

Create a Coveo Headless-powered search page with the React web framework. See https://docs.coveo.com/headless and https://reactjs.org/.

  $ coveo ui:create:react NAME

  NAME  The name of the application to create.

  -v, --version=version  [default: 1.25.3] Version of @coveo/cra-template to use.

  $ coveo ui:create:react myapp
  $ coveo ui:create:react --help

See code: src/commands/ui/create/react.ts

coveo ui:create:vue NAME

Create a Coveo Headless-powered search page with the Vue.js web framework. See https://docs.coveo.com/headless and https://vuejs.org/.

  $ coveo ui:create:vue NAME

  NAME  The name of the application to create.

  -h, --help             show CLI help

  -p, --preset=path      The path to a JSON file with pre-defined options and plugins for creating a new project.
                         If not specified, the default TypeScript preset is used.
                         For more information about Vue CLI presets, see

  -v, --version=version  [default: 1.25.3] The version of @coveo/vue-cli-plugin-typescript to use.

  $ coveo ui:create:vue --preset path/to/my/preset.json
  $ coveo ui:create:vue --help

See code: src/commands/ui/create/vue.ts

coveo update [CHANNEL]

update the coveo CLI

  $ coveo update [CHANNEL]

  --from-local  interactively choose an already installed version

See code: @oclif/plugin-update