
This is an Angular library for embedding Cumul.io dashboards in your Angular application.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cumulIoNgxCumulioDashboard from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cumul.io/ngx-cumulio-dashboard';


Angular Cumul.io Dashboards

This is an Angular library for embedding Cumul.io dashboards in your Angular application.

Table of contents

  1. Installation instructions
  2. Usage
  3. Examples
  4. Public methods
  5. Compatibility
  6. Migration from ngx-cumulio-1.X.X to ngx-cumulio-dashboard-2.X.X
  7. Quick links

Installation instructions

npm i @cumul.io/ngx-cumulio-dashboard --save


ng add @cumul.io/ngx-cumulio-dashboard@latest #This also adds an entry in app.module.ts


In your app.module.ts import NgxCumulioDashboardModule as root

import { NgxCumulioDashboardModule } from '@cumul.io/ngx-cumulio-dashboard';

  imports: [

In your HTML template.

<cumulio-dashboard [dashboardId]="dashboardId" [language]="'en'">


<!-- Embed a chart/item by passing the item id as well -->

Working with events

<!-- Listening for events, logEvent is a function with console log -->
<cumulio-dashboard [dashboardId]="dashboardId" [language]="'en'" 

Available Inputs Below a list of available input options you can add to your ngx-cumulio-dashboard

Property Type Description
dashboardId String The id of the Cumul.io dashboard you wish to embed
dashboardSlug String The slug of the Cumul.io dashboard you wish to embed (if a dashboardId is supplied that one will be used)
itemId String The id of the Cumul.io item you wish to embed
authKey String Authorization key generated via Cumul.io API
authToken String Authorization token generated via Cumul.io API
language String The language of the dashboard: eg. 'en' (Default: 'auto')
screenMode String the screenmode of your dashboard: 'mobile', 'tablet', 'desktop', 'largeScreen', 'fixed' or 'auto' (Default: 'auto')
switchScreenModeOnResize Boolean true: the embedded dashboard can switch screenModes on resize of the container , false: Dashboard will keep the same screenMode (Default: true)
loaderBackground String Background color of the loader element (Default: '#f9f9f9')
loaderFontColor String Font color of the text of the loaders (Default: '#5a5a5a')
loaderSpinnerColor String Spinner color of the loader (Default: 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.7)')
loaderSpinnerBackground String Background color of the spinner (Default: 'rgba(169, 169, 169, 0.14)')
appServer String Tenancy of cumul.io to connect to (Default: 'https://app.cumul.io/')
timezoneId String The timezone you you wish to use in your dashboard. This timezone id needs to be a valid id that is available in the IANA timezone database, for example: Europe/Brussels or America/New_York.
apiHost String API server to connect to (Default: 'https://api.cumul.io/')
editMode String Specifies if the embedded dashboard should be editable or not. Accepted values: "view" , "editLimited" , "editFull" . Use "view" if you don't want the embedded dashboard to be editable. (Default: "view" )
mainColor String Optional override of the main color used in the whitelabeling of the embedded dashboard editor. If not provided, the main color of the whitelabeling colors set on the organization will be used. Should be specified as a string of rgb values (i.e. "rgb(50,50,50)").
accentColor String Optional override of the accent color used in the whitelabeling of the embedded dashboard editor. If not provided, the accent color of the whitelabeling colors set on the organization will be used. Should be specified as a string of rgb values (i.e. "rgb(50,50,50)").


A dashboard with a gray loader background


A dashboard with a purple spinner color of the loader with screenmode mobile and switchScreenModeOnResize on false, so that the dashboard will stay in mobile mode


In Component, service can also be used to facilitate different functionality (Only refresh data is implemented here, other methods can also be implemented in similar fashion)

import { NgxCumulioDashboardService } from '@cumul.io/ngx-cumulio-dashboard';


export class TestIntegrationComponent {
  @ViewChild('dashboardInstance') dashboardInstance: ElementRef;
  constructor() { }

  // To refresh data
  refresh() {
    this.dashboardInstance.refreshData().subscribe(); // Unsubscribe in ngOnDestroy
  allFunctions() {

Public methods available on dashboardComponent instance

getData(itemId: string): Observable<object[]>
// Returns an array the data of a chart of a certain dashboard by adding the dashboardId or the container of the iframe.

getFilters(): Observable<object[]>
// Returns an array of all visible dashboards with their active filters

setAuthorization(key: string, token: string): Observable<null>
// Changes the authorization of all or one dashboard and refreshes the data of those dashboards

refreshData(itemId?: string): Observable<null>
// Refreshes the data of a specific chart when the id of that item is supplied. Without a itemId this refreshes the data in all items.

reloadDashboard(): Observable<null>
// Reload the dashboard. (useful when the authorization is changed, and dashboard needs to be reloaded without reloading the iFrame)

exportDashboard(type?: string): Observable<null>
// Exports the current dashboard as either pdf or png. a container class needs to be passed as an argument and an optional type parameter.

getAccessibleDashboards(): Observable<object[]>
// Get accessible dashboards in a integration, make sure apiHost, authKey, authToken are set correctly on the instance.  

setEditMode(editMode: string): Observable<null>
// Sets the editMode of the current dashboard. Accepted parameters: view , editLimited , editFull .


Name Description Event Arguments
load Emitted when dashboard is loaded ILoadEvent
itemsRendered Emitted when items are rendered IItemsRenderedEvent
customEvent Emitted when a custom event is fired ICustomEvent
changedFilters Emitted when filters are changed IChangedFiltersEvent


From ngx-cumulio-1.x.x to ngx-cumulio-dashboard-2.x.x

  • All methods that were called on service e.g CumulioService.getFilters, CumulioService.getData ... shall now be called on component instance this.dashboardInstance.getFilters(), this.dashboardInstance.refreshData(). (see example above)
  • chart is now called itemId, chartsRendered is now called itemsRendered, chartDimensions is now called itemDimensions
  • All events are now of the format { data: { ...eventData } }, eventData is of the format
  dashboardId?: string;
  dashboardSlug?: string;
  itemId?: string;
  language: string;
  name: string;
  screenMode: string;
  type: string;
  dimensions?: object; // populated depending on the event
  changed?: [];  // populated depending on the event
  filters?: [];  // populated depending on the event
  item?: string;    // populated depending on the event
  origin?: string;  // populated depending on the event
  object?: string;  // populated depending on the event
  data?: object;       // populated depending on the event
  • getFilters now returns an array of filters. [...objectOfFilters], objectOfFilters is of the format
  expression: string;
  parameters: [];
  properties: {
    id: string;
    ignore?: string[];
    origin: string;
    type: string;
    viz: string;


This library requires Angular version 9 and above.

9.x.x - 12.x.x

For Angular version 8, please use the old library npm - ngx-cumulio Remark: that library is stable but not actively maintained anymore

Quick links

Cumul.io | Sample Integration | Codesandbox Example