
S0mt1mes str1ngs ar3 t0o v4gu3 and c4n't b3 re4d eas1ly.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cursorsdottsxV from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cursorsdottsx/v';


| a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |

V is for Vague


S0mt1mes str1ngs ar3 t0o v4gu3 and c4n't b3 re4d eas1ly. V4gu3 is a sm4ll l1br4ry to f1x th4t.

It's v3ry e4sy to us3 as w3ll. It 0nly prov1d3s s0m3 ut1l1ty funct1ons ava1l4ble in th3 gl0b4l 0bj3ct v4gu3.

Inst4ll4t1on is als0 v3ry e4sy.

npm install @cursorsdottsx/v
yarn add @cursorsdottsx/v

Us1ng it is 0f c0urs3 equ4lly e4sy.

import v4gu3 from "@cursorsdottsx/v";

console.log(v4gu3.r3m0veNumb3rs("S0mt1mes str1ngs ar3 t0o v4gu3 and c4n't b3 re4d eas1ly.")); // => "Sometimes strings are too vague and can't be read easily."

V4gu3 offers thr3e ma1n m3th0ds to un-v4gu3 str1ngs:

v4gu3.r3m0veNumb3rs – Removes numbers.

v4gu3.r3m0veSymb0ls – Removes special symbols.

v4gu3.r3m0veUn1c0de – Removes more obscure unicode characters.

It als0 c0nta1ns s0m3 h3lp3r m3th0ds:

v4gu3.f1lt3r – Applies all filters. The second parameter is an options object where you can disable some if you would like.

v4gu3.f1nd – Returns a boolean if the second parameter was found in the first.