
Cypress JSON schemas

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cypressJsonSchemas from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cypress/json-schemas';


@cypress/json-schemas CircleCI

Public Cypress JSON schemas

note this repository is private, but the NPM is public.

See our schema-tools repository for more documentation on how to utilize these JSON schemas.


npm install


Builds, runs tests, and also self documents schema changes.

Uses ava-ts to run Ava test runner directly against TypeScript test files. Use npm run test to build and test everything in the test folder.

To run a single test file, use command:

npx ava-ts test/<file-name.ts>

To update snapshots and use verbose reporter (prints test names):

npx ava-ts test/<file-name.ts> --verbose -u


Deployment is handled by semantic-release automatically when run in CI. The release version is determined by the commit message. Your commit message should be of one of these types.