
i18next for Ext JS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import daemezExtI18next from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@daemez/ext-i18next';



Use i18next library on your ExtJS project.

Instalation and configuration

First install npm package

npm install @daemez/ext-i18next

To allow sencha builder to locate the npm package you need yo add the following entry to workspace.json

"packages": {
    "dir": "...,${workspace.dir}/node_modules/@daemez"

Then you should enable it in your app.json

"requires": [

You can also include in your app.json a version to refresh cached locale

"localeVersion": "1.1.0"

Finally in your index.js you need to add the required package

_i18next = require('@daemez/ext-i18next');

You can now use i18next on your ExtJS project