
Functions for composing asset pipelines

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dashkiteMasonry from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@dashkite/masonry';



Functions for reading, writing, and processing files, also known as asset pipelines.

import * as m from "@dashkite/masonry"
import {coffee} from "@dashkite/masonry/coffee"

do m.start [
  m.glob [ "{src,test}/**/*.coffee" ], "."
  m.tr coffee target: "node"
  m.extension ".js"
  m.write "build"

Use with Genie to run build functions using a task runner command-line interface.

Quick Reference

Masonry is based on composing reactors, also known as asynchronous iterators. The start function takes a list of functions that, together, yield a reactor, and waits on each value in turn. What this means is that we never iterate through a list of files more than once within a given function, even though it may appear otherwise. For all intents and purposes, you can imagine the reactors, like read and write as simply operating on a single file.


Name Arguments Description
glob pattern, directory Given a list of glob patterns and a base directory, returns a reactor that produces paths that match the patterns.
read - Reads each file. Typically used after glob.
tr function or array Given a function that takes a context object, invokes the processor for each file. Typically used after read to compile or translate a file. If given an array, will call each function in turn with the output from the previous function.
extension text Sets the extension of the context, which is used by write to determine the extension for the output file.
write directory Given a directory, writes each file out based on the relative path.
copy directory May be used in place of read and write when you simply want to copy a file from one directory to another using a stream.


Masonry provides standalone utility functions for convenience

Name Arguments Description
rm directory Removes a directory. Useful for cleaning files from the previous build.
watch path, handler Watch a directory or file and call a handler in response to changes.
server directory, options Starts a static Web Server serving files from the given directory. See below for options.
exec command, arguments Spawn a child process to run the given command, with the given array of arguments.
node script, arguments Spawn a child process to run a given Node script, with the given arguments.

Server Options

The server function takes any of the following options:

  • fallback: Path to file to serve if no file is found.
  • files: Options to pass to serve-static
  • port: Which port to run the server on


Extensions are typically used with tr to compile an asset.

Name Arguments Description
coffee.node - Compiles CoffeeScript to Javascript, targeting Node.
coffee.browser options Compiles CoffeeScript to Javascript, targeting the browser.
pug.render - Renders Pug into HTML. Will use data if set by a previous reactor function.
pug.compile - Compiles Pug into a JavaScript module file exporting a template.
stylus - Renders Stylus into CSS.
yaml - Renders YAML into JSON.
markdown - Renders Markdown into HTML.
text - Compiles text into a JavaScript module that returns the given input.
atlas path, map Generates an import map based on the entry point given by path and any additional modules, provided by map.

Coffee Options

The coffee.browser extension takes an option mode. If set to debug include source maps. The coffee.node extension currently always generates source maps.

Composing Extensions

Extensions may be composed by passing them as an array to the tr reactor function. For example, to make a Stylus file accessible as an ES Module, we might write:

do m.start [
  m.glob [ "src/**/*.styl" ], "."
  m.tr [ stylus, text ]
  m.extension ".js"
  m.write "build"