
dendron-11ty is a port of dendron-jekyll from jekyll to eleventy.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dendronhqDendron11ty from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@dendronhq/dendron-11ty';



dendron-11ty is a port of dendron-jekyll from jekyll to eleventy.

dendron-11ty is currently a work in progress and is not meant to be used in production (and non-production) environments.


  1. clone the project
git clone https://github.com/dendronhq/dendron-11ty.git
  1. install the dendron-cli
npm install -g @dendronhq/dendron-cli
  1. run the dendron-cli in a workspace to start the server. the below example uses the vault from the dendron site
git clone https://github.com/dendronhq/dendron-site
cd dendron-site
LOG_DST=/tmp/server.txt LOG_LEVEL=debug dendron-cli launchEngineServer --port 3006 --wsRoot .
  1. run eleventy with the engine options
env WS_ROOT=/Users/kevinlin/projects/dendronv2/dendron-site ENGINE_PORT=3006 STAGE=dev npx eleventy --watch --serve
  • open http://localhost:8080/notes/b0fe6ef7-1553-4280-bc45-a71824c2ce36.html

Testing New Features

Dendron 11ty comes with a sample

In order to test with a sample workspace to test out new syntax

cd {dendron-11ty}
env LOG_LEVEL=info dendron-cli launchEngineServer --port 3008 --wsRoot fixtures/test-workspace/

env WS_ROOT={dendron-11ty}/fixtures/test-workspace/ ENGINE_PORT=3008 STAGE=dev npx eleventy  --serve


  • make the arrows smaller on the nav
  • migrate search functionality
    • build search data
    • integrate search js fields
  • load notes based on dynamic pages
  • render dendron specific markdown
  • restrict published notes based on dendron site configuration