
Models for redux

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dhmkReduxModel from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@dhmk/redux-model';



Inspired by an awesome easy-peasy. Define self-contained models with methods on them and use without dispatch. Zero dependencies. Built on top of redux and compatible with it.

  1. Install:
yarn add @dhmk/redux-model redux react-redux
  1. Create models:
import * as m from "@dhmk/redux-model";
import produce from "immer"; // Optional. You can use any similar library or write reducer by yourself

interface Todo {
  id: number;
  text: string;
  completed: boolean;

interface Todos {
  byId: Record<number, Todo>;
  allIds: number[];

  getTodos: m.Selector<Todos, [], Todo[]>;

  toggle: m.Action<Todos, [id: number]>;

  add: m.Action<Todos, [text: string], { text: string; id: number }>;

const todos = m.model<Todos>({
  byId: {},
  allIds: [],

  getTodos: m.selector((self) => () =>
    self().allIds.map((id) => self().byId[id])

  // action is a pure function
  toggle: m.action((id) =>
    produce((state) => {
      state.byId[id].completed = !state.byId[id].completed;

  // when an action needs to run side-effects
  // use a two step definition
  add: m.action(
    (text: string) => ({ text, id: Math.random() }), // action side-effects are placed here
    ({ text, id }) =>
      produce((state) => {
        state.byId[id] = { id, text, completed: false };
  1. Create store:
import { createStore } from "redux";
import { createModelsStore } from "../../src";

import models from "./models";

export const store = createModelsStore(createStore)(
  models /*, optional enhancer */

// hot reloading
if (process.env.NODE_END === "development" && (module as any).hot) {
  (module as any).hot.accept("./models", () => {
  1. Use it the same way as with plain redux:
import { useSelector } from "react-redux";

const App = () => {
  const todos = useSelector((state) => state.todos);

  const [text, setText] = React.useState("");

  return (
        onSubmit={(ev) => {
          if (!text.trim()) return;

        <input value={text} onChange={(ev) => setText(ev.target.value)} />
        <button>Add Todo</button>

        {todos.getTodos().map((todo) => (
            onClick={() => todos.toggle(todo.id)}
              textDecoration: todo.completed ? "line-through" : "inherit",

See examples for more.


  • createModelsStore(createStore)(models, enhancer?): ModelsStore

    ModelsStore is like a regualr redux store without replaceReducer method and with the following methods:

    • addModel(name, model)
    • removeModel(name)
    • replaceModels(models)
  • model(config, extra?): Model

    Model is a function that returns model state:

    const myModel = model({ id: 123, name: "model" });
    const { id, name } = myModel();
  • model's extra argument:

      onAttach: Function; // will be called when model is attached to store, may return a dispose function
      listeners: [ActionOn | ThunkOn]; // see below
  • action((...args) => state => nextState)

    This is actually an ordinary case reducer. Under the hood it compiles to action-reducer pair. Use it to modify state. Should be pure. It has a curried form only for convenience, both outer and inner functions are called atomically.

  • action((...args) => newArgs, newArgs => state => nextState)

    An overload which enables side effects that will be applied before calling redux dispatch() function

  • thunk(self => (...args) => any)

    For side-effects. Has a type. Dispatched like an ordinary action, thus can be tracked in debug tools. Outer function will be called once at initialization.

  • selector(self => (...args) => any)

    Supposed to be pure. Outer function will be called once at initialization.

  • actionOn(action => boolean, action => state => nextState)

    Modify state on action. Called after regular action handler.

  • thunkOn(action => boolean, self => action => any)

    Perform side-effect on action. Outer function will be called once at initialization.

  • merge(partialState)

    Helper to convert this:

    action((arg) => (state) => ({ ...state, arg }));

    to this:

    action((arg) => merge({ arg }));
  • bind

    Helper to convert this:

    selector((self) => {
      const sel = createSelector(
        (state) => state.allIds,
        (state) => state.byId,
        (ids, byId) => ids.map((id) => byId[id])
      return () => sel(self());

    to this:

          (state) => state.allIds,
          (state) => state.byId,
          (ids, byId) => ids.map((id) => byId[id])