
Animation physics!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import downpourdigitalPhysics from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@downpourdigital/physics';



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Spring physics for (UI-) animation!


yarn add @downpourdigital/physics
npm i --save @downpourdigital/physics

All multi-dimensional versions of the springs depend on gl-matrix, which you'll have to install manually.


import {
} from "@downpourdigital/physics";

import {
} from "@downpourdigital/physics/multi";

const loop = () => {
    defaultWorld.step( performance.now() );
    requestAnimationFrame( loop );

requestAnimationFrame( loop );

Simulation Variants

Springs are available as 1D, 2D, 3D, and quaternion versions, as well as with two different integrators.

  • EulerSprings are integrated via the semi-implicit Euler method. They are cheap to compute and probably good enough for most applications.

  • RK4Springs are integrated via the Runge–Kutta fourth order method. While computation-heavy, they are more accurate and may also be more stable under certain conditions.


All simulations use a semi-fixed timestep internally. While the actual calculation is tied to the framerate, you can specify a maximum duration per simulation timestep (maxTimestep). If the interval between frames is higher than the max duration, it will be divided into multiple simulation timesteps. The amount of 'substeps' can be limited via maxStepCount.

Decreasing maxTimestep generally yields higher accuracy.


import {
} from "@downpourdigital/physics";

const spring = new RK4Spring({
    maxTimestep: 17, // in ms (default: 17)
    maxStepCount: 8, // (default: 8)



A spring represents a mass-spring-damper system. It accepts the following options:

  • mass mass in kg (default: 1)
  • stiffness usually 1-500 (default: 250) Higher values cause the spring to be stiffer. (spring constant k from Hooke's Law)
  • damping usually 1-100 (default: 15) Higher values reduce oscillations more. (damping coefficient b)
  • value initial position (default: 0)
  • velocity initial velocity (default: 0)
  • restDelta the minimum speed (velocity magnitude) after which the system is considered resting. (default: .0001)


import {
} from "@downpourdigital/physics";

const spring = new RK4Spring({
    mass: 1,
    stiffness: 250,
    damping: 15,

Props and Methods

  • isResting: boolean

    Indicates wether the simulation is in a resting state or actively changing.

  • set( value: number ): void

    Sets the spring target to a given position. The spring will subsequently begin moving towards that position.

  • get(): number

    Returns the current spring position.

  • getVelocity(): number

    Returns the current velocity.

  • reset(): void

    Resets the spring to its initial position and to zero velocity.

  • resetTo( value: number ): void

    Resets the spring to a given position and to zero velocity.

  • stop(): void

    Ends the simulation.

2D, 3D and quaternion specific methods

  • set( value: vec2 | vec3 | quat ): void and resetTo( value: vec2 | vec3 | quat ): void

    set and resetTo expect the value to be a gl-matrix vec2/vec3/quat on the 2D, 3D and quat versions respectively.

  • get( out: vec2 | vec3 | quat ): void and getVelocity( out: vec2 | vec3 | quat ): void

    Similarly to gl-matrix functions, get and getVelocity don't return the position but rather expect an out vector to write the result to. This allows for better optimisation.

  • read(): vec2 | vec3 | quat and readVelocity(): vec2 | vec3 | quat

    read and readVelocity return the internal vector representation of position and velocity respectively.
    As they are being used internally, they should only be read. Mutating them will mess up the simulation. Also their values will change as the simulation runs.


Passthrough is a drop-in replacement for any 1D spring. As the name suggests, it just passes through the target value unaltered.


LinearMotion represents a uniform linear motion with constant velocity/zero acceleration. It moves towards a given target at a given constant speed.

The API surface is the same as with other 1D springs.


import {
} from "@downpourdigital/physics";

const spring = new LinearMotion({
    value: 0, // initial position (default: 0)
    speed: 1, // speed in units per second (default: 1)

Manual stepping

Stepping can also be done manually: if autoStep: false is passed in the config of any simulation, it won't be attached to the default physics world. You can now step each simulation individually or bundle multiple simulations together in another physics world.


import {
} from "@downpourdigital/physics";

const spring = new EulerSpring({
    autoStep: false,

// either step individually
spring.step( time );

// or bundle in a world
const world = new World();
world.add( spring );

world.step( time );

Usage with @downpourdigital/scheduler

import { loop, update } from '@downpourdigital/scheduler';
import { defaultWorld } from '@downpourdigital/physics';

loop( () => [update( ( delta, time ) => defaultWorld.step( time ) )]);


© 2021 DOWNPOUR DIGITAL, licensed under BSD-4-Clause