
Form Minimap Vue

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eafmmVue from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@eafmm/vue';


Form Minimap Vue

Vue components for Form Minimap. Please consult that documentation for further information on the concepts mentioned below.

Getting Started


npm install --save @eafmm/vue

Adding Form Minimap

The code sample below shows the lines added to a simple form to add a minimap (M) or a minimap with panel (P)

M           import { FmmVueMinimap } from '@eafmm/vue'
  P         import { FmmVueMinimap, FmmVuePanel } from '@eafmm/vue'
            export default {
                name: 'App',
M P             components: {
M P                 FmmVueMinimap,
  P                 FmmVuePanel
M P             },
  P             data: () => ({
  P                 refPanel: undefined
  P             }),
  P             mounted() {
  P                 this.refPanel = this.$refs.panel;
  P             }

M P     <style>
M P         .fmm-frame { height: 50px; }
  P         .fmm-panel { height: 0; }
M P     </style>

            <div id="app">
M               <div ref='parent' style='width:70px; height:50px; margin-left:200px'></div>
  P             <div ref='anchor' style='width:20px; height:20px; margin-left:200px'></div>
  P             <FmmVuePanel ref='panel'/>
M                   <FmmVueMinimap :parent='this.$refs.parent' title='Title'/>
  P                 <FmmVueMinimap v-if='refPanel' :anchor='this.$refs.anchor' :panel='refPanel' title='Title'/>
                    <input id="Input1"/><br/>
                    <input id="Input2"/><br/>
                    <input id="Input3"/><br/>
                    <input id="Input4"/>



Component to create and manage FmmMinimap. The minimap is detached when this component is unmounted. For minimaps in a panel, use the panelproperty; otherwise use the parent property to show an always-visible minimap, or anchor for a popup minimap.

Property Type Required
aggregateLabels FmmMapString
anchor HTMLElement
customElementIds string[]
debounceMsec Number
dynamicLabels string[]
framework FmmFramework
page HTMLElement
panel FmmVuePanel
parent HTMLElement
store FmmVueStore
title String
usePanelDetail Boolean
useWidthToScale Boolean
verbosity Number
zoomFactor Number
Event Parameter Description
update FmmMinimapSnapshot Dispatched when the minimap updates itself for whatever reason.


Component to create and manage FmmPanel.

Property Type Required
detailParent HTMLDivElements
vertical boolean


Component to create FmmStore.

Property Type Required
errors FmmMapErrors
values FmmMapValues


Component to create FmmStore when using Vuex.

Property Type Required
errors FmmMapErrors