
A simple date and time formatter.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eartharoidDtf from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@eartharoid/dtf';



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Simple and somewhat-localised timestamp formatting.

Note that in some cases, especially if you want to use standard formats and in other locales, it may be better to use the built-in Date or Intl functions.


Install with npm/pnpm/yarn:

npm i @eartharoid/dtf


const DTF = require('@eartharoid/dtf');
const dtf = new DTF();

// a new `Date` will be created
const timestamp = dtf.fill('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss');
console.log(timestamp); // => `13/07/2021 14:44:51`

// custom `Date` and use UTC time
const timestamp = dtf.fill('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss', new Date(), true);
console.log(timestamp); // => `13/07/2021 13:44:51`

See DTF#fill.


|Placeholder|Description|Example| |-|-|-| |YYYY|The full year number|2021| |YY|The short year number|21| |MMMM|The full month name|July| |MMM|The short month name|Jul| |MM|The zero-padded month number|07| |M|The non-padded month number|7| |DDDD|The full day name|Tuesday| |DDD|The short day name|Tue| |DD|The zero-padded date number|13| |D_|The date followed by its ordinal suffix|13th| |D|The non-padded date number|13| |HH|The zero-padded 24h hour number|14| |hh|The zero-padded 12h hour number|02| |h|The non-padded 12h hour number|2| |mm|The zero-padded minute number|18| |m|The non-padded minute number|18| |ss|The zero-padded second number|09| |s|The non-padded second number|9| |SSS|The zero-padded millisecond number|638| |AMPM|AM or PM|PM|


new DTF(locale?)

Create a new DTF instance.

  • locale? - the locale of this DTF instance (default is 'en')


The locale of this DTF instance.

DTF#fill(format?, date?, utc?)

Fill a given or the default timestamp format using the current date or the Date provided.

  • format? - the placeholder string (default is 'HH:mm:ss')
  • date? - the Date object used to fill the placeholders (defaults to a new Date object)
  • utc? - use UTC time? (default is false)

DTF#AMPM(date?, utc?)

Returns 'AM' or 'PM' based on the time

  • date? - the date to use (defaults to a new Date object)
  • utc? - use UTC time? (default is false)


Appends st, nd, rd, or th to the given number for an English locale. I don't know what it does for other locales.

  • number - the number to append the ordinal suffix to


Converts a 24h number to 12h.

  • h - the 24h number


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MIT license.

© 2021 Isaac Saunders