
Runtime for @effectful/es

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import effectfulEsRt from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@effectful/es-rt';



Runtime for @effectful/es implementing ECMAScript standard generator, async and async generator function.


The module is automatically injected into @effectful/js output. If you are not new effects libraries implementer you don't need the next documentation.


There are a few options to build it, and a few builds are published to npm.

To configure own builds use environment variables (with statically eliminated false if branches) and rollup (import only required modules).

For most applications, pre-built runtimes are enough. Next information is only for building own runtime. The environment variable options are:

  • EJS_INLINE - do not include abstract interface implementation
  • EJS_LEAN_METHOD_ITERATORS - include iterator constructions method
  • EJS_NO_ES_OBJECT_MODEL - assume ECMAScript object model requirement is not needed
  • EJS_NO_ES_ITERATORS - do not add ES iterators interface implementation (by default the package uses own iterators)
  • EJS_NO_ES_CHECK_GENERATOR_RUNNING - do not add check if generator is running on calling its method
  • EJS_NO_UNWRAP_ASYNC_ITERATOR - do not add standard required unwrapping for generator's output
  • EJS_NO_ASYNC_ITERATOR_QUEUE - do not add a queue to method calls
  • EJS_LOCAL_SYMBOLS - use local Symbol's for iterator names, if there are a few builds loaded, and some uses different implementation for interfaces
  • EJS_DEFUNCT - support for defunct option
  • EJS_NO_TRAMPOLINE - don't use trampoline for tail calls, for example, if target JavaScript engine already supports tail calls

Abstract interface



Distributed under the terms of The MIT License (MIT).