
Task wrapper that provides expressive CI feedback via GitHub checks

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import elasticGithubChecksReporter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@elastic/github-checks-reporter';



Task wrapper that provides expressive CI feedback via GitHub checks


yarn run github-checks-reporter ${task title} ${...command and command args}


yarn run github-checks-reporter jest node scripts/jest


yarn add --dev github-xyz (package name will be updated)

github-checks-reporter relies on a number of environment variables in order to call the GitHub API -

Value Default environment variable
repoSlug ghprbGhRepository
commitSha ghprbActualCommit
buildUrl BUILD_URL

Different environment variables can be used via the github_checks_api.json config file located in the project root.

Example -

  "appId": 26774,
  "envVars": {

How it works

github-checks-reporter takes a task title and a shell command and its arguments and:

  • Creates a check via the GitHub checks API
  • Executes the command
  • Stores and passes along log data and exit code
  • Updates the check based on the exit code, appending log data to the check