
Endpass Connect client for node.js backend

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import endpassEndpassNode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@endpass/endpass-node';


Endpass OAuth2 client


Install client with your favorite package manager. For example with yarn:

yarn add endpass-node

Or with npm:

npm i --save endpass-node


This library allows to use endpass public API. Before requesting you should create your owl application at Vault and create client.

For example, we want to create client for requesting user data:

const { Client } = require('endpass-node');

const client = new Client({
  clientId: '<your_application_id>',
  clientSecret: '<your_application_secret>',
  scopes: ['user:email:read', 'user:phone:read'],
  state: '<random_string>',
  redirectUrl: '<your_application_redirect_url>',

You can generate authorization code with getAuthUrl method and redirect user for receive authorization code, which can be used for access token requesting.

When you will receive authorization code you can try to request access token and make some requests with that:

const token = await client.exchange('<authorization_code>');

try {
  const { email } = await client.request({
    path: '/user',
    accessToken: token.accessToken,

  // There would be profile data
} catch (err) {
  // Error handling

Also, you can create EndpassRequester instance for multiple requests with one access token:

const token = await client.exchange('<authorization_code>');
const requester = client.createRequester(token.accessToken);

try {
  const { email } = await requester.request('/user');
  // ...
  // There would be profile data
} catch (err) {
  // Error handling

In the case abow, your access token will be cached in requester instance. Do not forget about access token expiration!

Notice: endpass-node client is not storing access tokens, you should solve it by yourself.

Also, yor can check example application here.

API reference

Client constructor

Notice: all properties are required.

Property Description
clientId Oauth2 application client id
clientSecret Oauth2 application client secret
scopes Scopes which can be allowed to client requests
redirectUrl Redirect for receiving authorization code
state Unique string for validating OAuth2 responses

Client methods

Notice: you can find more information in the JSDOC notations for each method.

Method Arguments Returned value Description
getAuthUrl string Returns url where user can receive authorization code for token requesting
exchange code: string Promise<Token> Requests authorization token with authorization code
refresh refreshToken: string Promise<Token> Refresh authorization token with earlier received refresh token
request { origin?: string, path: string, accessToken: string } Promise<object> Request some data from endpass public API endpoint with access token
