
Prints full output of recorded asciicast to a terminal. :package: :smiley_cat: :running: :vhs: :moon: :scroll: :newspaper: :blue_book:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import extraAsciinemaCat from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@extra-asciinema/cat';


Prints full output of recorded asciicast to a terminal. :package: :smiley_cat: :running: :vhs: :moon: :scroll: :newspaper: :blue_book:

Alternatives: cat, catSync.

This is part of package extra-asciinema.

asciinema.cat(f, [fn]);
// f:  filename
// fn: callback (err, full output)
// → full output (including all escape sequences)
const asciinema = require("extra-asciinema");

async function main() {
await asciinema.cat("saved.cast");
// output in "saved.cast" file
