
React bindings for ATLAS state management system

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import farsocAtlasReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@farsoc/atlas-react';



This package is React bindings for ATLAS state management system.

Functional components binding


useAtlas(...nodes: string[])

Hook to connect your functional React components to ATLAS state management. Component will rerender after any ATLAS update if no node paths were passed. Otherwise, component will rerender only if given nodes (or their nested nodes) is updated.

There is one unobvious moment about this hook. You are able to update any ATLAS node from any component without bindings. This binding is only used for rerendering component after required nodes were updated (or ATLAS state was updated in generic if no nodes were passed).


import React from "react";
import { PrimitiveNode } from "@farsoc/entity-atlas-nodes";
import { useAtlas } from "@farsoc/atlas-react";

const counter = new PrimitiveNode<number>({ initialValue: 0 });

function App() {
     * ATLAS binding will rerender App
     * only if counter node is updated
    return (
            <span onClick={(e) => counter.update(x => x + 1)}>
            <span onClick={(e) => counter.update(x => x - 1)}>

Class components binding


bindClassComponent(targetComponent: React.Component, ...nodes: string[])

Use this method in componentDidMount for binding your class components to ATLAS state management system.


import React from "react";
import { PrimitiveNode } from "@farsoc/entity-atlas-nodes";
import { bindClassComponent } from "@farsoc/atlas-react";

const counter = new PrimitiveNode<number>({ initialValue: 0 });

class TestComponent extends React.Component {
     * ATLAS binding will rerender TestComponent
     * only if counter node is updated
    componentDidMount() {
        bindClassComponent(this, counter.nodePath);

    render() {
        return (
                <span onClick={(e) => counter.update(x => x + 1)}>
                <span onClick={(e) => counter.update(x => x - 1)}>