
Fauna GraphQL tool is an automation library that is used to easily add features such as authentication, custom resolver (UDF), sorting of subgraphs, fuzzy full-text search, etc.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import faunaLabsGraphqlTool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fauna-labs/graphql-tool';


Fauna Labs

Fauna GraphQL tool is an automation library that is used to easily add features such as authentication, custom resolver (UDF), sorting of subgraphs, fuzzy full-text search, etc.

FGT works with the fauna-graphql-upload library as well as fauna-schema-migrate

Get Started

Define your GraphQL schema. @auth will define the model that is being used as membership model. Currently supports only 1 member model. @protected will define the rules for accessing a record.

type Comment @protected(membership: "User", rule: ["read", "write", "create"]) {
  content: String!
  talk: Talk!
  user: User!

type User @auth(primary: "email") {
  email: String! @unique
  username: String
  comments: [Comment!] @relation
npm i @fauna-labs/graphql-tool fauna-gql-upload --save-dev

Create a script to run the tool.

// package.json

"scripts": {
        "fgu": "fgu",
    "fgt": "fgt"

In this example I am using the fauna-graphql-upload tool. Create a new .env file and add your admin key.

FGU_SECRET=<your key>

Now run npm run fgt. Notice all resources are generated in the /fauna/ file in your project directory.

Run npm run fgu to update all resources in the cloud environment.

Features in Progress

  1. Fuzzy Search @searchble directive. Can be used as a full-text search as well.
  2. Sorting and filtering @sortable directive [Priority]
  3. Custom geolocation query @geo directive. Based on community solution. [Priority]
  4. Multiple auth model support
  5. updated_at field and custom sorting